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Accademia di Belle Arti Lorenzo da Viterbo
The Academy of Fine Arts “Lorenzo da Viterbo” since 1975 in Italy, the first Academy of Fine Arts, the non-state, privately run, to be legally recognized by the MinistryContinua.[/call_to_action]
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Educational offer
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[toggle title=” Wi-Fi free”]Free WiFi service throughout the area[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Tutor for students”]Tutor for students for every need.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Computer Classroom”]Aula informatica disponibile per ogni studente.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Painting and restoration classroom”]Aula pittura e restauro fornita di ogni strumento e materiale.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Sculpture and ceramics classroom”]Aula di scultura e ceramica completa di ogni strumento e materiale.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Classroom of Fashion Design and Graphic Design”]Aula completa di ogni strumento e materiale a disposizione degli studenti.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Photography Classroom”]Aula completa in ogni strumento sia per il servizio di posa Fotografica sia per lo sviluppo Foto.[/toggle]
FIT – Concorso 2018
[toggle title=”Acquisizione 24 crediti (CFA/CFU) per l’ammissione”]Link 24 CREDITI[/toggle]
TFA 2014/2015
[toggle title=”TFA 2014/2015″]Link TFA 2014/2015[/toggle]
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Our History
The Academy of Fine Arts “Lorenzo da Viterbo” since 1975 in Italy, the first Academy of Fine Arts, the non-state, privately run, to be legally recognized by the Ministry…
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